Current projects & updates

In Santa's hut

For the first time in 2024, Santa Claus will have his own hut at the Meiningen Christmas Market, where, with a little luck, he can be found regularly and will happily accept the many wishes from children. But the Advent season in the theater city holds plenty of surprises, and not just for those who still believe in Santa Claus. And there are so many that there's even a special hut for it...

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Neuhaus/Rennweg: Hospital deaths on the Rennsteig

Financial constraints and the consequences of the Regiomed insolvency are forcing the district administrator to immediately close one of the two Medinos hospitals in the Sonneberg district. This is causing uproar in and around the town of Neuhaus am Rennweg. While the city administration is trying to salvage what appears to be salvageable, others are questioning the legality of the decision. The citizens themselves are…

Neuhaus/Rennweg: Hospital deaths on the Rennsteig Continue reading "

Horst Teltschik on 35 Years of Unity and Freedom in Europe

Horst Teltschik is the guest of honour of the districts of Coburg and Hildburghausen at a small memorial event at the former Eisfeld-Rottenbach border crossing. The former foreign policy advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl and later head of the Munich Security Conference was directly involved in the process of opening the border and German unity and is still a contemporary witness today...

Horst Teltschik on 35 Years of Unity and Freedom in Europe Continue reading "

Handwerk all-In 2024

It's already a tradition: On a Saturday in the middle of September, the craft industry presents itself in all its facets, with all its educational and career opportunities, in the chamber's own Rohr-Kloster vocational training and technology center of the South Thuringia Chamber of Crafts. In 2024, the crowds will be large, young people will find out about training opportunities, while parents and grandparents...

Handwerk all-In 2024 Continue reading "

New edition after 75 years: The Interzonal Game

In September 2024, after 75 years, city selection teams from Sonneberg and Neustadt will meet to commemorate a legendary match between their football ancestors. In the summer of 1949, directly on the inter-zone border (the Federal Republic of Germany was only a few weeks old, the GDR had not yet been founded) in front of 15-25,000 spectators, both teams played not for points or medals, but for the unity of Germany...

New edition after 75 years: The Interzonal Game Continue reading "

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