
Ambassador of Crafts

With a big party and in a dignified setting, the newly crowned masters of South Thuringian crafts enter the stage to collect the certificate from the hands of the Thuringian Minister of Economic Affairs, the certificate for which they have worked so hard and which now allows them to set up and run their own craft business and even train new craftspeople themselves.

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Horst Teltschik on 35 Years of Unity and Freedom in Europe

Horst Teltschik is the guest of honour of the districts of Coburg and Hildburghausen at a small memorial event at the former Eisfeld-Rottenbach border crossing. The former foreign policy advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl and later head of the Munich Security Conference was directly involved in the process of opening the border and German unity and is still a contemporary witness today...

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When the Cubans came to Ilmenau

It is more than 40 years ago that Cuban contract workers appeared in Ilmenau to learn and work in what was then the Graf-Henneberg porcelain factory. Despite all the subsequent confusion, some of the personal friendships that arose have survived to this day. And they are exemplary of the legacy now being planted by the association for the preservation of the Ilmenau porcelain tradition...

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Handwerk all-In 2024

It's already a tradition: On a Saturday in the middle of September, the craft industry presents itself in all its facets, with all its educational and career opportunities, in the chamber's own Rohr-Kloster vocational training and technology center of the South Thuringia Chamber of Crafts. In 2024, the crowds will be large, young people will find out about training opportunities, while parents and grandparents...

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